Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 12: Evaluation Plan

Goals What do you want to learn? What concerns, questions, and goals is the test focusing on?
I want to know which interface is the most efficient and easiest to use for my events section.  Some of the concerns that I have are:  is it necessary to have both interfaces of the Events section (calendar view or list view).  The goals will be to see how fast the participants can navigate through the different interfaces and find certain events that I choose and give me details about the event. 

Participants Who will you recruit and how?
I will recruit students and instructors from my martial arts class; Hawaiian Kajukenbo Association.

Method Timing, Duration, Location, Process
I will give the participants a maximum duration of 3 minutes and I will time them to see how long it takes to find certain events for both of the view options.  The location of the test will be at the martial arts’ school. 
Tasks What will you ask participants to do? Make sure to align the tasks with your goals.
The tasks that I will have my participants perform will consist of them finding certain events that I created and also having them give me specific details of certain events that I select, such as: The name of the event, where the event takes place and what time the event takes place.

Measures Success criteria; Additional dependent variables; qualitative data (will you take pictures or record audio?) 
I will record each test with my video camera that will also provide audio. 

Which two interfaces are you going to test?
The two interfaces that I will be testing will be my Events section, a Calendar view and a List view.

What tasks are you going to have users perform?
The tasks that I will have my participants perform will consist of them finding certain events that I created and also having them give me specific details of certain events that I select, such as: The name of the event, where the event takes place and what time the event takes place.

What follow up questions will you ask them?
Some questions that I may ask when I test my app will be:  what did they like about the calendar view?  What did they like about the list view?  Which interface did they find to be easier to navigate through?  

Will you have all users try both prototypes?  If so in which order?  If not, how will you split them into two groups?
I think I will have all my participants tryout both of the prototypes.  The order will be:  The first participant will try out the calendar view then the list view, the second participant will try out the list view then the calendar view and so on.  I think I will split them into groups by having an adult participant and a child participant in each group. 



  1. Looking good - you might want to prepare a google form for the post-experiment evaluation - even if you are asking them and typing stuff in yourself. Have you made a google form before? It's so easy you really should try it - let me know if you need any help.

    You might also want to write a script of what you will say to each participant to make sure you say the same thing to each, and test the whole procedure on a family member or close friend before running it with the main participants.

    1. Thanks For helping me out by sending me the link to the video of the Google Form, It really helped. Too bad I couldn't get any video of the test subjects actually trying out the app
